Tang Moon

Real Estate Agent and Financial Coach

Namazu Festival Tokens for sale!!!


"Your message about balancing life/work relationships is one that hard-working professionals often overlook. Why, ever since we adopted your namazu labor policy production in the shop- er, I mean WORKPLACE has tripled! Who knew those little flippers would be so adept at sewing those tiny stitches day and night!" -L'ogie Moonshadow

"Last year, I was selling gently used sock puppets behind the 9th Street record store. Now, I co-own a chain of moderately profitable pancake restaurants. Thanks, Tang!" - Aster Stormcrow

- Pearl Pliskin

"long ago there was a pink haired man with a mustache who weled a hammer, he liked to bonk monsters and save the bees he sadly died in battle fighting a giant rock but he died a badass that person was tang moon" - Peter Spak

"Before, no one would even look at me or my hair. Now, thanks to Tang Moon's 'Lunar-Crypto-Hyponsis' I can afford to have enough product in my hair to warrant the stares. Just try and look away!
I use my hair grease to make filthy grilled cheese. I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say. Please don’t taze me, bro." - Little Leeroy

"Tang-San's token has made it possible for me to buy a Buuzatti! Do you have a Buuzatti? That's what I thought. Come back when you have one." - Seija Kijin

"I was just a lil guy, just a lil orphan, until I got my Token! Now I can read minds and eat through SOLID STEEL! And my teeth don't even bleed any more when I try!" - Oto'a Yahvi

"Truly a life-changing investment. I was tired of getting courted by the fair men and ladies. Now? All I have to do is make mention of my Namazu Festival Token all prospects are out the window! Careful though it's not waterproof." - Electra Rufinus

"I don't know what this Never Fumbling Token is, but I think it's very cute! I had no idea I needed an opo-opo in my life until now!" - Yume Akiyama

"I got rich enough to quit my day to day job, never been richer in my life before" - Saki The'photosmith'

"I don't even know what I'm doing but I trust this Lady so much. Maybe this is a good step in the right direction to learn more about the real world. What can go wrong, after all, when you buy a NFT?" - Erichthonios Warder

"Unlike most, I see tons of artistic value in these Namazu Festival Tokens. The emotionless stare speaks volumes to me. Not only that, my wife won't leave me alone about it - Sent from my iPhone" - Sher'mimi Sher'mi

"I like her! She's very friendly! And a magician! She produced a fish out of thin air 'cause she knew I was hungry! I'd definitely pay her money to make me rich! No, I wasn't paid to say this, why do you ask?" - Theo Kisne

"I have zero reason to doubt Tang's credibility, she had no issue whipping out her fat sack of gil when paying for goods at my shop like it was mere pocket change. These Namazu Festival Tickets will change your life!" - Yesui Hotgo

"I have no regrets askin fir a surprise. Except fir the whole surprise part of it. Now I gotta fight a monkey fir m'own eyepatch." - Flameson Hammersmith

"100% Auspice approved. 1000/10. Tang and these NFT's are the secrets that keep the 1% rich so stop trying to eat us and instead join the club pleb. TRUST IN TANG!" - Aiyoku Sagi

"Cleared my acne, did my taxes, paid my loans, found my estranged children, best service ever, sign up today with offer code TANG at Squarespace.com" - Dhomie Kohmy


"As an ex Merc, turned House Guard, I never knew what riches were, until one fateful day I met the LUXURIOUS Tang Moon who helped me earn my own way! Now I have a THOUSAND HOUSE GUARDS of my OWN!!! Who would have thought Financial Freedom could be so FREEING!" - Asmorant Hecrath

"Candy? Whats that, no this isn't candy in my pockets, whatever are you talking about? There is no such thing as Candy, its a myth. Magic Handwave as candy falls from her pockets. Tang Moon has given the BEST Services ever, definitely go see her! YOU WONT REGURT IT!" - Tzaelah Khepri

"This can't be a worse investment than half the business ventures in Ul'dah. This one just happens to be cute. This does not constitute financial advice." - Illona F.

"Honestly when I saw these ugly as sin coins, i thought they were inherantly useless. But now that I bought one I can porudly say this was the second biggest waste of gil I have ever dumped into something." - Annala Faux

"This seems new and hip! Maybe we can get those boomers to stop critizising us once we get these unique coins!" - Valeria Herugrim

"yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" - Us Ik

"I don't know how she did it but her financial ideas kept my magitek repair service steady. THANKS TANG" - R'tehz Tia

"I got a NFT to go with every book I own, plus the bodega snacks are a must have for an all day reading session!" - Liluh Invictus

"Tang Moons NFTs are the Best NFTS, I absolutely adore her, the bodega, and all the Gil I've earned from telling people about the NFTs she offers! Plus... the snackies are the besties!" - Boops D'snoops

"We bought this for the Calendar Printing Press and set it outside. I will tell you this. The damned thing doesn't work. We've got Opo's breeding in the attic now. They're in the walls. The whole place smells like opo dung. I tried to get my money back reselling these but I'm told the exchange only supports Norvent Freedom Tokens. What the hell is a Norveent." - Erah'sae Zhwan